InocBloc® Organic Prune ‘n’ Paste – 200g

Paint-on easy to apply pine based product that provides an effective natural barrier against fungal and bacterial diseases.

Active ingredient: Contains InocBloc Pine Tar.

General information: InocBloc Organic Prune ‘n’ Paste is a unique, BioGro certified, paint-on easy to apply, pine based product that provides an effective natural barrier against fungal and bacterial diseases. It is a biodegradable organic pine tar that poses no specific risk to plants, waterways or land. It has a distinctive wood smoke odour that can remain on the treated cut for a few weeks.

Directions: 1. Remove cap and gently squeeze bottle to charge brush. 2. Apply to a clean cut surface under good drying conditions directly after the cut has been made. 3. Ensure a thick, even layer is applied onto the wound surface and 1cm below the edge of the cut. 4. For infected wood, cut back to healthy tissue before applying InocBloc Organic Prune ‘n’ Paste.


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Article: The Winning Trifecta from Grosafe – Winter Cleanup Tips

Article: Winter Housekeeping

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