Contains 33g/ kg 1-methylcyclopropene in the form of a vapour releasing powder. GroFresh® is a powder that when mixed with hot water releases the volatile active ingredient 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP).

Hortcare® Hi-break® – 20L, 200L
Contains hydrogen cyanamide 540g/litre. A plant growth regulator which promotes uniform increased bud-break and flowering of kiwifruit, and earlier concentrated flowering of apples.
Hi-break will be indent ordered and orders can be taken from the middle of February. Please contact us on 0800 220 002 for further information

Proficient™ – 3kg
Contains 100g/kg prohexadione-calcium in the form of a water dispersible granule. A plant growth regulator for the suppression of shoot growth in apples.

SureThin® – 4 x 250g sachets
Contains 700g/kg metamitron in the form of a a water dispersible granule. A plant growth regulator for thinning apples.