six-spotted mite

Showing all 2 results

  • EnSpray 99® - Adjuvant

    EnSpray 99® Crop Oil – 5L, 20L, 200L, 1000L

    Contains 821g/L (980ml/L) mineral oil in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate. Unsulphonated residue not less than 99.0%. An emulsifiable, narrow range spray oil for the control of armoured scale on kiwifruit, armoured scale, greenhouse thrips and six-spotted mite on avocados, scale, aphids and mites on citrus, pip and stone fruits, thrips on citrus and powdery mildew on grapes.

  • Etoxamite® – 5L

    Etoxamite® contains 110g/litre etoxazole in the form of a suspension concentrate. For control of European Red mite and Two-Spotted mite in Pipfruit, Six-Spotted mite in Avocados and Two-Spotted mite in Black Currants.